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  • AB 2291 (Muratsuchi) MHAC Position: Watch

    MHAC Position: Watch

    Author: Muratsuchi

    Date: 11/30/2023

    Status: Died

    Mental health services: involuntary treatment. This bill would, for each person admitted for a 72 hour, or 14 day hold under the LPS Act, require the facility providing the 72-hour evaluation or 14 day treatment to keep with the person’s medical record contact information for an individual designated by the individual as their medical emergency contact, and would require that facility to develop a continuity of care plan for the person before their release from the detention or the intensive treatment. The facility would be required, before the release of the individual, to provide the county behavioral health director with the medical emergency contact information, the continuity of care plan, and the possible release date of the person. The bill would require the county to offer a person released from a 72-hour or 14 day hold who is homeless a local crisis bed or recuperative care upon their release from the designated facility. Acceptance of this bed is voluntary.

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